To reset the SDM(Software Deployment Manager) you need to have o/s(operating system) credentials.


Procedure to Reset in Unix Envirnoment:

1. We have to stop the SDM first, to do that

/usr/sap///SDM/program/sh    # to stop SDM

2. /usr/sap///SDM/program/ jstartup mode=standalone

3. /usr/sap///SDM/program/ changepassword sdmhome=/usr/sap///SDM/program newpassword=

4. /usr/sap///SDM/program/ jstartup mode=integrated

5. Now start the SDM, to do that

/usr/sap///SDM/program/sh    # to start SDM

Procedure to Reset in Windows Envirnoment:

It almost the same procedure what we have followed to reset the password in UNIX for SDM

1. Go to the drive we have installed Portal ( C:\ or D:\  ), from the command prompt.

2. let us suppose the portal is installed in C:\ drive

3. From the command prompt. go to SDM directory as


4. Execute the following (just copy-paste)
sdm jstartup "sdmhome=C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\SDM\program" "mode=standalone"

5. Execute following line (replacing Password1 with your new password for SDM)
sdm changepassword "sdmhome=C:\usr\sap/J2E/JC00/SDM/program" "newpassword=Password1"

6. Also revert SDM back to integrated mode
sdm jstartup "sdmhome=C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\SDM\program" "mode=integrated"

7. Start SDM - StartServer.bat