Sometimes you can see this error : [Thr 140186850277248] *** ERROR =>   secudessl_Create_SSL_CTX():  PSE "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sec/SAPSSLS.pse": File not found! [ssslsecu_mt. 1796]

In certain circumstances, you may want to lock an SAP System for TMS accesses. If you have to stop an SAP System for hardware maintenance, for example, communicate this to the other SAP Systems in the transport domain. This prevents unnecessary attempts to access an SAP System that cannot be reached.

The parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar by default is set to 1. With this value, you can't login to SAP Instance using the sap* user.

Sometimes, the CCMS Agent failed to restart/stop due to some shared memory issue. To further investigate this issue, you can check status for CCMS Agent to initialize the memory in the operating system.

The error ">>>>>>>>>>>>DB-Error 0"  at SAPlogon happens after a database copy or refreshing a system.